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Who We Are

Here at Unfinished, we believe that everyone’s life is a story that’s still being written, and that no matter what chapter you’re on who you are and what you’ve gone through to get here is important, both to God and to us. We are a community that believes that all are welcome, that all are beloved, that all are wanted, and everyone has a place in our community, without exception. 


As an interdenominational, international community of faith, we believe that there are many different ways to walk your faith journey, provided you are doing no harm to yourself or others. We worship a God of love, mercy, and acceptance; a God who wants that none should perish but that all should be welcome to the life eternal. This means everyone; educated folks, addicts, lifelong monogamists, sex workers, construction workers, arrogant people, humble people, people that make everyone smile, and people that really piss us off. EVERYONE. Even you.




Q&A: Is Unfinished Community right for you?

Wondering if Unfinished Community is a good fit for you? Or maybe you're just not really sure how this whole "international-but-also-online church community" thing works. Well, check out our Q&A below to learn more about how you might fit into our community.


(SPOILER ALERT: Everyone's welcome, so there really isn't anyone who doesn't fit in!)

"I like the idea, but I'm part of another church community!"

That's great! We encourage members of the Unfinished Community to be active in local congregations and faith communities wherever possible. Because we're an online-only group, we're not exclusive, and we're perfectly happy for you to join us to whatever degree you feel comfortable. 

"I want to spend more time with faith, community, and whatnot, but I'm just so busy. What can I do?"

"I like the idea, but I'm part of another church community!"

That's great! We encourage members of the Unfinished Community to be active in local congregations and faith communities wherever possible. Because we're a hybrid church (both entirely online and entirely in-person), we're ok not being exclusive for everyone, and we're perfectly happy for you to join us to whatever degree you feel comfortable. 

"I want to spend more time with faith, community, and whatnot, but I'm just so busy. What can I do?"

That's the great thing about a community that's just as much online as in-person; you can join in whenever (and however) you're able to be present! Our community does most of our day-to-day interaction via Discord. Accessed either online or through an app on your phone, Discord allows you to communicate with people in the community via real-time voice chat rooms, as well as through running text conversation "threads" 

"I'm a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, and this is awfully church-y. How's that gonna go for me?"

Pretty well, we hope. Look, we're not gonna beat around the bush and make some stupid claim that the church has been a force for good for you and yours; we know that church has historically SUCKED for you, and we're sorry for that. And while we can't speak for every self-professed Christian in the world, we can say that members of Unfinished are here with the deliberate intention of being better, for you and for the world.

Unfinished Community, both online and in-person, is not simply open and affirming on paper, but as an organization committed to being the kind of church that feels like home to you.

Because Christ's table is open to everyone, without condition. 

"I've been burned by churches before. How do I know this'll be any different?"

As much as we'd like to promise that it'll be smooth sailing, that's not how community works. Truth be told, while most of our community are people who have suffered church abuse in their pasts (including our pastor!), there are also members of the community who once held homophobic, transphobic, or even racist theologies, and are trying to find their way away from that too. 
We can't promise there won't be moments of conflict which can trigger old wounds, or flare up old enmities. What we can promise is that when conflict arises we'll work through it together, without casting anyone aside or allowing hurtful and abusive conduct to go unanswered.

"I have another question, but I don't see anything in this Q&A that really answers it."

Well that's an easy one! If you're a bold sort of person, you're more than welcome to jump into our Discord server and ask the community directly. We're always willing to have a good conversation!

Of course, if you're not really interested in jumping into a public forum right away, that's ok to (and makes perfect sense, to be honest!) In that case, just send an email to Pastor Don ( and he'll do everything he can to talk you through any questions or concerns you might have.

EVERYONE is Welcome in the unfinished community!

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