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Parenting Resources

Being a parent is NOT easy!


Fortunately, you don't have to do it alone. Let our church community help!


Here you can find a collection of resources on the "how" of parenting, from child psychology to discipline and more. Please make good use of these, but the most helpful and important resource is something you won't find on this page.


The best resource is fellow parents! So if you're not finding what you need here, hop on the Discord server and ask the community. We have a thread specific for parenting conversations, and there are a number of parents(of all ages and experience) in our community. We're here for each other, and we're here for you!


Medical Consultation

Japanese Child Discipline Techniques

This article, recommended by a member of our community, is an anecdotal (but accurate) accounting of the Japanese approach to child discipline. If you're having trouble in this area, it mightbe a helpful read!

Psychologist Session

Parenting @ Psychology Today

Psychology Today has a comprehensive resource for parenting information on a wide variety of topics. Check it out if you're looking for some good information!

Kid's Health

Kid's Health offers some great information on basic health and biology not just for parents, but for children and teens too. This can be a great resource for brushing up on your own knowledge, or for helping your kids figure things out for themselves!


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