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Cherry Blossom

Living and Thriving in Japan

Do you live in Japan? Are you an expat, immigrant, or even just an English-speaker trying to make your way in this very homogenous society? Would you like a little help?


That's what we're here for!


Check out the links below for English-friendly and/or immigrant-friendly resources for everything from COVID support to language learning, and more. 
You can also jump into the Discord server (if you haven't already, that is) and chat with our pastor/members currently in Japan, and we'll all be happy to help connect you with whatever you need!


Medical Consultation

Find a Doc

Exactly what it says on the tin; this is an English-based (but multi-lingual) resource for finding medical care in Japan. Simple to use, and a good index of care providers!

Psychologist Session

TELL Japan; International Counseling

TELL is an organization dedicated to providing effective support and counseling services to Japan's international community and its increasing mental health needs.

Japan Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare

The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare does have an English website. It's not always the easiest to follow, but it does have a lot of useful information on the Japanese systems covering health, child raising, employment, and a wide variety of other issues.


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