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Tithing, Donating, and Giving

Whatever you want to call it, they're all names for basically the same thing: taking some of your hard-earned and well-deserved funds, and putting them to use to help build, grow, and maintain our weird and interesting new way of doing church. 


You don't HAVE to do it, of course. As a community, we trusts in God to provide so we have absolutely no desire to make you feel pressured to give, but we'd be lying if we said it didn't help! So if this is a way you are able, if it doesn't hurt you or make you unsafe, and you feel called to contribute to the work God is doing in this community, we would any help you feel inspired to offer.


You can donate online using the button on the right. It's calibrated in Japanese Yen (since we're based in Japan), but if you need help figuring out the conversion just let us know. Alternatively, if you're in Japan and want to use a furikomi, or have some other idea on how you'd like to donate, just use the box below to let us know!

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