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Economic Justice

Poverty doesn't need to be thing.

Homelessness doesn't need to be a thing.

Hunger doesn't need to be a thing.

All of these are things because of the actions of the wealthy few who wield their power and privilege to oppress all others. 


We at Unfinished don't believe that these are radical statements, and are dedicated to doing what we can to push back against Economic injustice by combating poverty and homelessness with whatever resources we can.


At the moment...we don't really have resources. But we know of several groups that do, and who could make good use of your time and offerings to make life a bit better for the least of these.


Check them out!

Public Demonstration

US and Japan-Based
Justice Groups

Medical Consultation

The Poor People's Campaign

In the United States, The Poor People’s Campaign, first organized by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and recently revitalized as a “National Call for Moral Revival,” is bringing people together to confront the interlocking evils of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism and the war economy, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism.

Psychologist Session

MOHN: Tokyo Union Church

Every morning at Tokyo Union Church, volunteers come in to prepare an "onigiri" meal that is then distributed to homeless neighbors in parks, stations, and other buildings. With a history of almost three decades, this ministry is inspired by the simple teaching of Jesus to feed the hungry and clothe the naked.

Moyai: Guarantor Assistance and other Homeless Advocacy

Though their website is almost entirely in Japanese, Moyai is an independent, not-for-profit organisation based in Tokyo, Japan, dedicated to supporting the homeless and underprivileged people start a new life in decent housing, and to achieving lasting solutions to poverty.


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