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Rev. Don Van Antwerpen

This is an outline of the sermon delivered by Rev. Musubi Tabuchi to the congregation of Ashiya Christian Church (and, by remote, that of Unfinished Community) on Sunday, December 22, 2024, drawing from Luke 1:39-55

Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent, and Christmas is on the 25th. The text for today, from the Gospel according to Luke, is a well-known hymn to Mary, in which Mary accepts her role as the mother of Jesus and composes a psalm in praise of God.

The Latin text begins with the word “Magnificat,” and it is sung repeatedly in church services, great and small. In this text we find the word “anima” featured, which is the root word of the word “animal. This is to highlight that it is not according to our own reason or judgment (as human beings) that we are created, but that we have been created and given this, just as animals are.

Praising God is not something we think about, not something we do because we judge it right on our own, nor is it something we are forced to do, but it is something we do instinctively and internally, and people who are aware of this cannot self-centeredly abuse their power and oppress those who are weak. The angels, praising God on the night of Jesus' birth and singing peace on earth, are directing our attention to the fact that we human beings were originally created that way; to give praise and, in giving praise, to surrender those parts of ourselves that pull us towards the temptations of corruption.

Let us pray, God, that we may be a people who look at our own true nature, praising you with our words, and our deeds, in this Christmas season. In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem, we pray, glory be to you without end, Amen.



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