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Two Lepton Copper Coins

Rev. Don Van Antwerpen

This is an outline of the message delivered by Rev. Musubi Tabuchi to the congregations of Ashiya Christian Church and Unfinished Community in joint hybrid worship on Sunday, November 10, 2024, drawing from Mark 12:38-44.

The translation is provided by Rev. Don Van Antwerpen, and any errors within should be credited to his translation!

The church here on earth is made up of human beings, in all our imperfections, which means that - whether we like it or not - economic activity is essential to maintain it. In Old Testament times, the Israelites were divided into 12 tribes, one of which - the tribe of Levi - was designated as the priestly tribe, while the other 11 gave one-tenth of their income to the Levites so they could carry out their religious work free from the burdens of economic activity. This contribution to the church was meant to distribute the weight of supporting the religious and activities of the church in building community across all the people, sharing it roughly equally.

The apostle Paul on the other hand, is said to have met the costs of his evangelistic work by making tents, but he still received a great deal of support from the churches he visited not only through food and housing, but through donations as well. However, as we all know, human society is neither equal nor fair, and there are many who are wealthy, but many more who struggle to make ends meet.

In today's scripture, Jesus focuses on the offering of “ a poor widow,” and he credits her with having given the most generous offering. While what she gave was just a single coin, according to the biblical encyclopedia, that coin was only worth 1/74th of the daily income of the average adult male at the time, which was a very small amount indeed for the time, but we are told that it was all she had to live on. Here, Jesus focuses not on the objective amount being given, but on the meaning that gift has to the person. Giving the whole of her entire available funds as an act of “loving the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30), and it was a sign of faith that God would protect and sustain her and her family even though she felt she needed to give her entire life's expenses.

Let us pray, God, that this woman will teach us what it really means for us to believe in you. May we learn how to live as one who loves You, and may we become people who know, learn, and do Your will. In the name of the Lord, we pray, Amen.


[PASTOR DON'S NOTE: we have discussed the institutional problems that caused the widow to feel compelled to such great sacrifice, and the anger Jesus was expressing in that place as well. For today, we're focusing on the purity of the widow's faith - but rest assured, the sins of the temple (and those of their modern successors in our communities today) are not forgotten!]





メッセージ 「レプトン銅貨二枚」 田淵 結 牧師





聖書 マルコによる福音書 12章38~44節

38イエスは教えの中でこう言われた。「律法学者に気をつけなさい。彼らは、長い衣をまとって歩き回ることや、広場で挨拶されること、 39会堂では上席、宴会では上座に座ることを望み、 40また、やもめの家を食い物にし、見せかけの長い祈りをする。このような者たちは、人一倍厳しい裁きを受けることになる。」

41イエスは賽銭箱の向かいに座って、群衆がそれに金を入れる様子を見ておられた。大勢の金持ちがたくさん入れていた。 42ところが、一人の貧しいやもめが来て、レプトン銅貨二枚、すなわち一クァドランスを入れた。 43イエスは、弟子たちを呼び寄せて言われた。「はっきり言っておく。この貧しいやもめは、賽銭箱に入れている人の中で、だれよりもたくさん入れた。 44皆は有り余る中から入れたが、この人は、乏しい中から自分の持っている物をすべて、生活費を全部入れたからである。」



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