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What Did I Just Say?

Rev. Don Van Antwerpen

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

This is the sermon delivered at Unfinished Community on Trinity Sunday, June 4, 2023, by Rev. Don Van Antwerpen (and translated by Rev. Akiko Van Antwerpen). It draws from the Gospel of Matthew 28:16-20. [日本語訳は記事下にあります]


Matthew 28:16-20 (NRSVUE): The Commissioning of the Disciples

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When they saw him, they worshiped him, but they doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”


You know, one of the  more amusing running jokes on our Community Discord server this week came from a few folks - all in the best and funniest of intentions - who wanted me to try to work the word "zamboni" into this week's sermon somehow. And, truth be told, I gave some serious thought to working it in as a throwaway joke, or as part of an anecdote, or something like that. I was even halfway through assembling a complex acrostic sequence - something like "zipping around matthew, but only not intelligently" (or something like that) - when I realized that in that moment, trying to make this one thing fit into the Gospel message for the week, I was doing the exact thing that this week’s message was actually about in the first place!

When you think about it, this is something we all do with the Bible, all the time. We start from what we expect to hear, what we want to hear out of the text, and then we start looking for a way to work it in. And whatever that "it" is, whether it's our prejudices, our biases, our hatreds, or even our desperate cries for liberation, love, or help, we eventually find a way to make it connect. We might have to bend an interpretation here, fudge the numbers slightly on a few dates, or just convince ourselves that this one word here actually means something totally different in this one, single case, but when a person is convinced they're going to find something in the scripture, they're probably going to find a way to make it happen.

All too often, before we start reading the Bible, we read our own expectations first and wind up confusing them with scripture.

So we take our scripture in the ways we want, interpret things according to the what we’ve been taught to see, what we expect to see and, in the fullness of time, the scripture becomes self-reinforcing. Circular.

The scripture says what it says because it says what it says.


And before too long, we stop questioning it. Stop thinking about it. We come to rely on the scripture not as an unending font of new and developing wisdom, but as a fixed point that we can keep coming back to, something that always tells us what we expect it to tell us. Something that can reassure us of our own rightness, rather than make us question our potential wrongness.

In time, when we read the scripture in this way, it becomes a different sort of truth to us; not the kind of truth that we continue to explore, that we continue to learn about, but something that we’ve allowed to settle deep into our hearts and minds. More than that, it becomes the kind of truth that isn’t simply something we have intentionally decided not to question or explore, but something we wouldn't ever even think of questioning or exploring, any more than we would question whether water is indeed wet, or up is indeed down.


If we're being honest with ourselves, today's verse is a perfect example of a verse which immediately jumps into mind as something we know in this way; something that has been almost etched into our minds as a fundamental, fixed constant of our spiritual and religious lives. We know what this passage means, don't we? I know I've heard verse 19 repeated to and around me since before I understood what the Bible even was. It's fixed. Unquestionable.


Like water is wet.


"Go therefore and make believers out of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"


So many times we've heard it that we don't even blink at the suggestion that this verse is all about conversion, about spreading the Gospel of the risen Christ to absolutely everyone, everywhere, all around the world. For our entire lives this verse has been set out as a profound statement of intent, a declaration of war of sorts, against the unconverted. The suggestion is that, in this time and place, Jesus is insisting that the primary goal of the new Christian faith, the main task assigned to all those who would follow him, is to convert absolutely everyone else to Christianity, by any means necessary.


But…is that what it actually says?


Truth be told, I don't need to get into the linguistic weeds on this one because the problem here, for once, has almost nothing to do with translation. The Greek and the English here are both more or less the same. The issue here has to do with what we have been doing with this, how we have been reading the text, especially verse 19:


"Go therefore and make converts out of all the nations, baptizing them all in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"


Think about that verse for a second.


Really think about it.


So ingrained is our understanding of this verse, so unquestioned and certain, that you might not have even noticed that while I have read that verse three times already, I have changed the wording each time, making it more deliberately aggressive each time I read it!


The verse itself actually reads, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," and its that word that the entire idea hinges on.


Disciples. Not believers, converts, or adherents; disciples.


It's that one word that the whole thing hinges on.


A disciple is not the same thing as a believer or a convert, because that word "disciple" - much as it does in Greek as μαθητεύσατε- includes a sense of agency that the others do not. There is a choice that a disciple makes, that a believer, or a convert, might not ever have made.


A believer might believe for any number of reasons; whether that belief comes as a result of a loving embrace of ones beloved Creator, or as the result of pressure, threat, or force, their choice is immaterial to the word itself. The word "belief" is just…belief, and doesn't really speak to any of the motivations behind it.

The word "convert" is often even worse, because that word very much suggests force; one is rarely "converted" by choice. A convert is often someone who has been made to change their ways, either by some existential threat, or by actual violence.


But a disciple on the other hand…that's someone who has seen something, something that has moved them to the depths of their heart and soul, and inspired them to look deeper in search of whatever it is that has touched them so. A disciple is someone who has paid witness to something great, been the recipient of unaccountable and incomprehensible grace, and then chosen to dedicate themselves to figuring out just why in the heck that just happened.


A disciple pursues God as a reaction to love. All those other words one might choose to use - believers, converts, students, followers, worshippers; whatever word one could put in the place of disciples - these things all conveniently take that simple act of personal agency and choice in response to something beautiful, and reduce it to a potential. Changing the word makes the choice something optional, rather than a fundamental, baked-in part of the meaning of the word itself.


And once you do that, once you have swapped in a word that allows choice to become an option, once you leave room for discipleship to become an active decision of the teacher rather than a reactive decision of the student, you open the door for an entirely different worldview to grow in its place. Suddenly, instead of a world where Jesus is calling his followers to go out into the world with love and compassion overflowing, to feed the hungry, fight for the oppressed, free the prisoners, care for the widows, welcome the immigrant, and care for the poor and needy without condition, instead of a world where we love first, and allow that love to inspire people to seek God of their own accord, we have opened the door for a world where the only thing that matters is what religious "team" you've signed up for.

Suddenly, whether other people claim the name of Jesus has become more important than what we do with the name of Jesus.

So how do we make disciples? If we’re not meant to force people, to threaten them with hell and damnation, not meant to argue, pester, insist, or convince, what then should we do in order to make disciples of all nations, as Jesus very much did command here?

Well, how do people decide to enter into a relationship with anyone? Do you choose to follow a teacher or a preacher because they scared the heck out of you? Did you choose your college specifically because of how strongly it hated you, and told you that you were sinful, hateful, and worthless?


We choose to enter into relationships with people, and groups, that show us that they care. We become friends with people who show us the same affection we show in turn; we go to colleges that demonstrate that they are willing to help us live our lives in peace and ease, to grow and mature as loving and kind people ready to make a difference in the world. We react to grace and love, and come to trust and care for those who are willing to show it.

Only then, do we learn from those people who have showed us grace. Only then, do we become disciples.

So when we're tasked by Jesus to "make disciples" of all nations, what we're getting here isn't the tribalistic call to make sure that we're on the right team, or the pressure to make sure that everyone gets on board the Jesus train lest they wind up going to hell or something; what we're getting is perhaps the strongest commandment to love yet.


Here, Jesus is telling the disciples to love the entire world so hard that people can't help but see God in everything you do.


Here, Jesus is telling the disciples to love the entire world so hard that people immediately want to know more about why you're doing what your doing.


Love so hard that the entire world questions your sanity, questions your intelligence, questions your logic, and questions your wisdom.


Love so hard, that the only possible explanation is God.


Because that's how you make disciples.



マタイによる福音書28:16-20 (新共同訳)

Unfinished Community--- 2023年6月4日

説教者: ヴァンアントワペン ドナルド牧師


Unfinished Communityに集う人たちは、Discord と呼ばれるオンラインサーバーで、日曜以外の日もコミュニケーションを取っています。今週、そのサーバー上で、一人の人から「Zamboni」(アイススケートリンクの再舗装に使われる機械のこと)という言葉を今週の説教の中に入れてほしいというリクエストをもらいました。リクエストに応えられないか、頭をひねってましたが、そうするうちに今日の説教のメインポイントであるとあう行動を自分自身が取っていることに気づきました。それは自分の考えをどうにかして、福音メッセージに適合させようとする努力です。

よく考えてみると、このような行為を私たちはよく聖書に対して行っています。聖書を読む前から、聖書に対しとある期待を抱き、どのような答えを聖書から求めるかを考え、そしてその答えを見つけられる方法を探し始めます。 解釈を曲げたり、数字を少しごまかしたり、この単語はこの箇所だけ違う意味を持つのだなどと、自分に言い聞かせ、納得させ、聖書を自分の都合のいいように解釈するのです。







「だから、あなたがたは行って、すべての民をわたしの弟子にしなさい。彼らに父と子と聖霊の名によって洗礼を授け、 」と19節にはあります。









「だから、あなたがたは行って、すべての民をわたしの弟子にしなさい。彼らに父と子と聖霊の名によって洗礼を授け、 」

そうです。弟子という言葉に注目しましょう。弟子です。信者でも、 改宗者でも、信奉者でもなく、弟子です。




















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