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Gospel for the Poor

Rev. Don Van Antwerpen

This is an English-language outline of the sermon preached in Japanese by Rev. Musubi Tabuchi to the congregations of Ashiya Christian Church and Unfinished Community on Sunday, January 26, 2025, drawing from Luke 4:14-21

Last week, in the Unfinished Community worship service, Pastor Don started by talking about the inauguration of the President of the United States on January 20. President Trump's second term in office has just begun, and many people are very critical off it and while this may seem like something limited to the United States, the whole world seems to be moving into such a place. The Bible speaks to such a world, and into that world the gospel message that Jesus brings is a gospel message specifically to the poor.

In English, the word “gospel” means “good news” or “good news” and it originally meant the news of victory in a war. When people heard this news, they felt relieved and joyful that their country, or their society had been spared from invasion and destruction at the hands of an enemy's army.

The gospel for the poor isn't then that the strong, the rich, and the powerful will rule this world, which our society has structurally created for them, but that those who have been pushed to the margins can be assured of living together in peace and joy. Jesus speaks to the reality that today's society has unwittingly become such a place, where the weak and the few are oppressed and mistreated. This is why Jesus Christ was sent to us by God the Father.

Let us pray, O God, for the politicians of the world, especially those who are in politics. Pray that they may be one of those who fulfill your gospel. Let us be one of those who work together with you for a society that realizes your peace, justice, and equity. In the name of the Lord, we pray.



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