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  • Rev. Don Van Antwerpen

Keeping Up Appearances (見かけをよくする)

Sermon delivered in-person (in English) by Rev. Don Van Antwerpen (and translated by Rev. Akiko Van Antwerpen) to the congregation of Ashiya Christian Church, on February 26, 2023 drawing from Isaiah 58:5-8, 12, and Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21.

Today, I would like start by telling you a story. This might not be a story you’re familiar with, but for many people who grew up in Christian communities in the United States - like me - this is a story we either heard often, or experienced ourselves.

There was a pastor of a middle-class congregation full of well-dressed and wealthy families. He had many different families in his congregation, and he knew all of them well - or so he thought. There was one family though, who he saw every week without fail. They would show up in their best clothes, dressed perfectly for church every week in their finery. Mother, father, and all three of their children would show up on Sunday morning in clothes that looked almost brand-new, perfectly put together and looking amazing. They were dedicated, caring, and active participants in worship, always smiling and always so perfectly well behaved. They looked sharp, and exactly like one might imagine a church member from an upper-middle-class neighborhood to look.

But one day, the pastor received a call from the mother of this one particular family. She apologized to the pastor, telling him that they wouldn’t be able to make it to church that week. Knowing how dedicated they were as members of the church, the pastor was understandably concerned, and he asked them why. The mother was evasive, not really wanting to answer, but the pastor insisted a little bit and, to his surprise, she started crying.

“Pastor,” she said, “we can’t afford our church clothes this week.”

The pastor was totally confused by this of course, and asked her what she meant and, over the next thirty minutes it all came pouring out of the woman. You see, their family was really, really poor, and they needed every penny they could find just to survive the week. But they knew, in their heart of hearts, that they had to go to church, and they knew that in order to be welcomed at church they had to look like church-folk; clean and well-dressed, carefully put-together and in no way presenting the appearance of being poor. So every week, come Saturday morning, they’d take their weekly paycheck and head for the nearest pawn shop, where they’d spend their last few dollars on some nice-looking church clothes for Sunday morning, wear them to church the next day, only to sell them back to the pawn shop on Monday so they’d have money to eat for the rest of the week.

Because they needed to go to church, and they couldn’t imagine going to church if they weren’t perfect, well-dressed, and prepared, just like everyone else in the community. If they couldn’t be perfect, then they felt they couldn’t show up at all.

Haven’t we all felt like this, in one way or another, when it comes to church?

Sure, this story may be an extreme example, but this underlying feeling, this idea that when we come to church, when we do the work of church, we must be prefect; I know this idea is something that we can all find nesting in the back of our hearts and minds.

I know I feel it, and I’m sure you feel it too. Pastors get it as bad as anyone, if we’re being honest. I had a mild panic attack this week, when I realized that I was going to have to bring my robe in on my motorcycle and it might get wrinkled from the trip!

We have this innate desire to present things perfectly when it comes to church, this and this desire can be so overwhelming sometimes that it stops us from doing anything at all.

Because we want to be perfect, we often hesitate to show the fullness of who we are or what we can do, because what we have ready now isn’t as good as it could be later. We often fail to start because we're all-too-aware that what we're prepared to do doesn't measure up with what we think the church should be in our heads and in our hearts. We see, in our minds eye, a perfect image of the church and decide, in that moment, that because we cannot rise to that level now, we should not try at all.

But the “level” of perfection we see in our imaginations usually doesn’t have anything to do with the number of loaves of bread shared with the hungry, or the number homeless poor brought into our house. It rarely has anything to do with the oppressed going free, and it certainly doesn’t have anything to do with the bonds of injustice being let loose because that usually comes with all kinds of scary conflict and confrontation.

No, that perfection is, in our heads, usually an issue of appearances. We don't have people over because the house isn't clean enough, don't feed one person because we can't feed everybody. We are resistant to change because whatever new thing we could try won’t be perfect right out of the gate. So we delay, waiting to do the work of God until we're "ready", while at the same time marveling in amazement when read about some ramshackle church in a distant corner of the world growing by leaps and bounds with nothing more than a small hut, dirt floors, and a piece of hastily-scribbled-on plastic bolted to the outside serving as the only sign that God's people are gathered within.

Where our treasure is, so there also will be our hearts. What is it that we, as a church, have come to treasure? Is it our times together in worship, study, and prayer? Is it when we come with heads bowed down, sackcloth and ashes, quiet and humble, and invisible to the world around us? Is that the fast that God has chosen?

Or perhaps the fast that God has chosen for us all is one of imperfection; a fast of our own desires to do things the right way, a fast of our own desires to do everything all at once. Perhaps, the fast that God has chosen for us is not to sit in silence because we lack the time, resources, or ability to be boldly seen by all others on the street-corners, praying perfectly in public performance for all the world to see, but to do the small thing first instead.

Perhaps, the fast that God has chosen for all us smaller, determined communities of God, is to embrace the next half-hearted, imperfect thing that we might do, and to grasp with joy the calling to do that thing imperfectly, because what God asks most of us isn't perfection but intention. So long as we are doing something, no matter how small, broken, or imperfect, there is always room for growth and change; but when we stand still we become stagnant, unchanging, and dead.

As churches all around the world are recovering from the pandemic, we’re finding it harder to grow the way we used to, harder to be communities of the size, type, and structure that we had in days gone by. We hold this image in our heads of our the well-dressed church of the days we remember when community was easier, when resources were more plentiful, and it felt like the Holy Spirit lived among us in everything we did. And when we look to the future, we imagine that this is who we are, this is who we were meant to be, and we find ourselves turning away from all the broken, weird, different, and above all imperfect things we might try today because whatever else they might be, they aren’t that.

We find ourselves locked in a cycle, blowing paycheck after paycheck on church clothes for Sunday morning, selling them back on Monday, and praying that we somehow make it through another week so we can start all over again.

But when we choose the fast that God has prepared, when we lean into the service of a God who has no interest in sounding the trumpet before us as the hypocrites do in the synagogues, when we allow ourselves to be broken and imperfect but still trying anyways,

Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall

spring up quickly; your vindicator shall go before you, the glory of the

LORD shall be your rear guard.


Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you

shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in.

I remain incredibly thankful to all of you, and Pastor Tabuchi, for the partnership we share in trying to nurture God's work in this place. Over the coming months, I hope to be able to invite us all to come together in doing more, imperfectly. I hope for us to come together to clean rooms and catalogue books, to share meals and share memories, to teach, and to grow, and to learn together - I for one look forward to practicing my Japanese a lot more! And I hope that, in the end,  we can all realize together that there is no end, not to the work that God has laid before us. I hope that we can all come together with joy in the realization that each imperfect step forward, each halting attempt to do good, each cracked window, dirty rug, and broken tool teaching us that what God requires of us isn't that we present the world with a perfect, attractive place to find God, but that we simply offer ourselves to the world in God's name just as we are, in love, and with grace and mercy abounding. And I look forward to this journey together.

Amen ________________________________





「先生、今週は教会に行く服が買えないんです 。」

















「そうすれば、あなたの光は曙のように射し出で あなたの傷は速やかにいやされる。あなたの正義があなたを先導し主の栄光があなたのしんがりを守る。」

「人々はあなたの古い廃虚を築き直し あなたは代々の礎を据え直す。



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