Sermon delivered in-person (in English) by Rev. Don Van Antwerpen (and translated by Rev. Akiko Van Antwerpen) to the congregation of Unfinished Community on Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023 drawing from Matthew 21:1-11.

I find it interesting that we're starting out our English worship services on Palm Sunday, mostly because this is one of those days in the church year that we all know a little too well.
Do you know what I mean?
This is one of those days in the Christian calendar - and, in turn, one of those scripture passages - that we think we know inside and out; a place in the year and in the Bible where there are absolutely no surprises.
Now I've served in a half-dozen or more different churches over my years in ministry, and in each one when we got to Palm Sunday it was all about celebrating. We'd have the children wave palm branches, there'd be lots of praise and singing. Something like every 5th word out of our mouths would be "Alleluia", and you would never be far from a loud and happy "Amen!"
For as long as I can remember certainly, and much longer even than that, Palm Sunday has been all about celebrating. On this day we make like the citizens of Jerusalem, getting a good warm up for Easter next week, when we'll celebrate even more! In fact, if you only come to church on Sundays, and especially if you skip Holy Week entirely, this just feels like celebration season, doesn't it? And Palm Sunday is like a nice mini-Easter; an appetizer before the main course next week.
But when we take Palm Sunday as just…celebration…we miss the point of this day entirely. When we look at just the cheering, and the palm fronds, and the coats on the ground, Jesus riding along humbly on a donkey waving to the crowds like European royalty, when we make all that our focus today, we deprive ourselves of a much deeper, much more painful truth.
Have we ever really sat with the painful complexity of the fact that the people rejoicing here in Jerusalem aren't really cheering for Jesus at all? In fact, in just a few days, they'll all be cheering just as loudly for his persecution, torture, and crucifixion. These voices are the same ones that will call for Barabbas to be freed over Jesus, whose loud protestations will set Pontius Pilate to a place of execution for this man, Jesus.
Knowing that all these people will so quickly, so unreservedly turn on Jesus, we realize immediately that in this moment whatever it is that they're cheering for, whatever it is they're seeing when they look into the face of Christ….it isn't a person they love, a God they worship, or even a leader that they care for all that much.
It's an ideology.
The people here, cheering for Jesus, they're cheering for their idea of what the Messiah should be. At this same time, while Jesus is making his well-proclaimed-yet-humble entrance through a small rear gate of the city, Pontius Pilate - the new Roman governor of Judea - is making his grand entrance through the main gates of the city on the other side of town, looking exactly like what they all think a great warrior-king ought to look like, only he’s on the side of the oppressors, rather than the Jewish people.
To be here at that time, and to be cheering for Jesus, wouldn’t just be an act of defiance in the face of the Empire; that by itself we could respect, even admire. What’s happening here is an act of placement; of projection. By choosing to be here, to cheer so loudly for the humble king riding on a donkey when the Roman government expected them to be standing in celebration of their honored new governor, these citizens of Jerusalem are selecting Jesus as their warrior-king, an opposite number to the actual warrior-king being paraded on a great war-horse across town. In their cheers, the citizens of Jerusalem are casting their expectations onto Jesus, cheering not for a messiah sent by God to save them from their sins and place them on the path of God's reconciliatory justice and loving welcome, but for a great leader and king who has come to drive away their troubles, and return them to a world that best reflects their own idealized version of what the world ought to be; to make Jerusalem great again, all without them ever having to lift a finger.
In this moment of course, Jesus knows all of this. The son of the Most High God can see the tepid hearts of the crowd, and feel the weight of their expectations. But we have no such excuse these 2000+ years later. Just like Jesus himself, we know what's coming. In this moment where we desperately, achingly, longingly want to experience the joy and celebration of Easter, we know that we still have to earn that resurrection morning by walking the via dolorosa; the long and winding path to Golgotha, to the cross.
To the death.
We know that Jesus hasn't come today to tell us to sit back, relax, and watch with glee as the long-foretold warrior-king steps in to right all the wrongs, to strike down the oppressor, and give us the world that we feel, in our heart of hearts, is our due. We know that our God isn't one who simply does everything for us. And we know that no matter how much we might want to cheer for the Jesus we wish he would be, that we've got so much more to gain from setting ourselves aside and following the Jesus we’ve actually been given by God.
Despite what the citizens of Jerusalem thought, following Jesus wasn't just going to be some mild insurrection followed by a series of progressively fancier victory parties while the Messiah does the hard work and fights the good fight for them. Following Jesus is a difficult path; a path that Judas couldn't bring himself to face, a path that each disciple quietly stepped back from before the end, a path that even Simon Peter - most faithful and determined of all the disciples - couldn't walk with Jesus all the way to the end of.
Because we don't serve a God who meets our expectations; we live to meet the expectations set by the God of the oppressed, the rejected, and the broken. We strive to answer the call of a God who doesn't want us cheering in the streets, fawning for celebrities, politicians, and power-hungry leaders who, like the shammai Pharisees of old, use faith as a tool for manipulation, and insist that true godliness comes in submission to worldly rulers, in yielding to the wealthy in the powerful, and in allowing others to dictate who God cares for, welcomes, and loves, and who God hates.
We follow the path of a humble, self-sacrificing messiah, who came into the back gate of the city to the sarcastic alleluias of a people who would rather see him dead than actually follow him, and who's message isn't a triumphant call to victory, but the liberating welcome of temple doors thrown open in broad invitation, of the hungry being filled up with good things, and the rich being sent away empty.
So as we contemplate, discuss, learn and grow today, and as we settle into the meditative darkness that is Holy Week, let us remember who it is we serve. Not the triumphant Messiah, heralded boldly on a great war horse, come to take our troubles away, but the quiet Christ, on the back of a humble donkey, come to suffer and die for the sake of all our sins.